Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.

Correcting an underbite & overbite



Correcting an Underbite with Welovesmiles®

What is an underbite?

An underbite can be influenced by both hereditary and developmental factors. In this condition, the lower teeth are positioned in front of the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. It is often characterized by a prominent chin and thin upper lips.


What problems are associated with an underbite?

Why you should correct a pronounced underbite: The biting function and nasal breathing are often impaired. This condition frequently leads to improper loading of the entire chewing apparatus.


How can underbites be treated?

Depending on the patient's age, severity, and remaining growth, treatments can include functional appliances, removable braces, transparent plastic aligners like Invisalign®, lingual braces, or external brackets. Combined treatments, which we carry out interdisciplinary with our colleagues, are also possible. Book an appointment now. We are happy to advise you on how we can correct your underbite.


Correcting an Overbite with Welovesmiles®

What is an overbite?

An overbite is the opposite of an underbite. In this condition, the lower jaw is positioned significantly behind the upper jaw. Often, the lower teeth bite into the palate's mucosa. Externally, this is frequently indicated by a receding chin and insufficient mouth closure. We are your strong partner if you wish to correct a pronounced overbite.


How can overbites be treated?

For children, removable orthodontic appliances, rubber bands, or fixed orthodontic devices are typically used to promote lower jaw growth through biological forces. For adults, the upper teeth can be pushed backward, or orthodontic-surgical therapies can be employed. We are happy to explain in a consultation how we can correct your overbite.


We inform you, as specialists in dental misalignments, about your individual treatment options with your orthodontist in Munich.