Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.

Have a crossbite treated in your specialist orthodontic practice


Jaw pain, impaired chewing function, or uneven tooth wear — a crossbite can cause a variety of problems. Alongside deep bite, underbite, and overbite, the crossbite is one of the most well-known jaw misalignments. But what exactly is a crossbite, what symptoms manifest, and what treatment options are available for patients?

As your orthodontist in Munich, we provide information below about crossbites and the orthodontic treatment for affected children and adults. If you have questions about different types of misalignments, Dr. Sebastian Krause is always available for a thorough consultation. Schedule an appointment today and let our dental and jaw specialists help you!


What is a crossbite?

A so-called crossbite is a jaw misalignment that often occurs in childhood. In this type of misalignment, the upper teeth are positioned further inside than the lower teeth. As a result, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws do not align properly. Orthodontists typically distinguish between different types of crossbites:

  • Head-to-head bite: In a head-to-head bite, the cusps of the molars and the edges of the front teeth in the upper and lower jaws meet directly. The cause is often a tongue dysfunction.

  • Unilateral crossbite: In a unilateral crossbite, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws on one side align correctly. However, on the other side, the lower jaw teeth are positioned too far outward and the upper jaw teeth too far inward. Thus, the bite is correct on one side and incorrect on the other.

  • Bilateral crossbite: A bilateral crossbite is characterized by misalignment on both sides of the jaw. The lower jaw teeth are positioned too far outward and the upper jaw teeth too far inward on both sides.

  • Frontal crossbite: A frontal crossbite, also known as an anterior crossbite, affects only the front teeth. In this case, the lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth.

Do you have jaw pain and want to get an orthodontic diagnosis? Then contact us and schedule an appointment at our specialized orthodontic practice in Munich!

What problems and symptoms can occur with a crossbite?

A faulty bite in the form of a crossbite initially manifests visually. However, the misalignment of the teeth can also lead to health issues. Affected children and adults often experience pain while chewing or general jaw pain. Additionally, the incorrect bite can cause problems with speech development and pronunciation. Therefore, beyond jaw pain, an untreated crossbite can lead to a range of health consequences.

If you or your child is affected by a dental misalignment, we recommend consulting with us as experienced orthodontists. Together with you, we will discuss the individual treatment options and promptly work towards correcting the misalignment.

Fixed Braces for Crossbite — From Misalignment to a Beautiful Smile!

If you want to have a crossbite professionally treated, visiting an orthodontist is the first right step towards a beautiful smile. At our specialized orthodontic practice in Munich, we first conduct a series of dental and jaw examinations to determine the severity of the misalignment. Dr. Sebastian Krause will then inform you of the treatment options available for your specific case. The most well-known treatment method is correction with fixed braces (Damon System). In this method, external brackets are attached to the teeth. The brackets are connected with a wire and remain on the teeth for the duration of the treatment. With fixed braces for adults or children, both tooth crowns and roots can be shifted to correct the faulty bite.

Invisalign® for Crossbite: The Discreet Alternative to Braces

A second treatment option is the use of Invisalign aligners for crossbite. With these transparent plastic aligners, the treatment remains invisible to others, allowing you to continue showing your friendly smile during the correction process.

Do you have questions about treatment with transparent aligners? As a specialist for Invisalign in Munich, we are happy to advise you at any time over the phone or in our specialized practice. We look forward to your inquiry!

As specialists in dental misalignments, we are happy to inform you about your individual treatment options with your orthodontist in Munich.