Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


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Fixed braces

Info Videos

At Dr. Krause & Colleagues – your specialist orthodontic practice in Munich – the trust of our patients is our top priority. With this in mind, it is of great importance to us to provide our patients with comprehensive information and excellent service, ensuring that no questions remain unanswered.


Below you will find interesting informational videos in the field of orthodontics in Munich, focusing on fixed braces. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact our trusted practice team or book an initial consultation – we are here for you!


Your specialist orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause

Dr. Krause & Colleagues

Components of braces

A dental brace consists of several components. These include metal brackets, which are individually bonded to the teeth, and a wire that is secured into the brackets with the help of rubber bands or steel ligatures. Some tooth movements are better achieved or only possible with fixed braces.

In our modern specialist orthodontic practice in Munich, Dr. Krause, we offer conventional metal brackets as well as options for greater comfort, such as modern mini brackets with integrated closures (self-ligating brackets) or lingual braces (placed on the inner side of the teeth). For patients who prefer a more discreet option, we also provide high-quality ceramic brackets.

Good oral hygiene is essential when wearing fixed braces. At Dr. Krause's practice, we conduct regular check-ups to protect your teeth and recommend protective sealants for sensitive areas (cavity protection).

Frontal bites against deep bites

In patients with a deep bite, the upper incisors completely cover the lower incisors because they extend too far downward when biting together. This misalignment can lead to gum injuries on the front side of the lower teeth, causing tissue recession over time. Additionally, it can cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort.To prevent the upper teeth from hitting the brackets on the lower teeth or even dislodging them during orthodontic treatment with fixed braces, we use anterior bite turbos in our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Anterior bite turbos help reduce premature contacts and allow simultaneous orthodontic leveling of the upper and lower teeth. A fixed anterior bite turbo is a Bite Turbo. Bite Turbos are small fixed anterior plastic bite blocks that are bonded to the inner side of the upper incisors with an adhesive. This raises the patient's bite and corrects the misalignment.


Palatal expansion in mixed dentition

If the upper jaw is too narrow, a palatal expansion is performed. In this procedure, the upper jaw is gently separated in the middle and on the sides, and an expansion device is inserted. The patient regularly adjusts this device, gradually moving the two halves of the upper jaw apart. The body naturally fills the resulting small gap in the upper jaw with new bone substance. The expansion device remains in the jaw for approximately six months. During this time, the teeth in the upper jaw gradually gain more space. Consequently, a gap forms between the incisors, which is then closed orthodontically with the help of braces.


Palatal expansion

When the upper jaw is too narrow, a palatal expansion is performed. In this procedure, the upper jaw is gently separated in the middle and on the sides, and an expansion device is inserted. The patient regularly adjusts this device, gradually moving the two halves of the upper jaw apart. The body naturally fills the resulting small gap in the upper jaw with new bone substance. The expansion device remains in the jaw for approximately six months. During this time, the teeth in the upper jaw continuously gain more space. Consequently, a gap forms between the incisors, which is then closed orthodontically with the help of braces.


Caps Palatal seam extension

If the upper jaw is too narrow, a palatal expansion is performed. In this procedure, the upper jaw is carefully separated in the middle and on the sides, and an expansion device is inserted. The patient regularly adjusts this device, gradually moving the two halves of the upper jaw apart. The body naturally fills the resulting small gap in the upper jaw with new bone substance. The expansion device remains in the jaw for approximately six months. During this time, the teeth in the upper jaw continuously gain more space. Consequently, a gap forms between the incisors, which is then closed orthodontically with the help of braces. The cap palatal expansion is a modification of the palatal expansion. This is mostly used in early childhood treatment. The caps enclose the teeth and hold the device in place.


Oral hygiene for palatal expansion

Good oral hygiene and regular cleaning of both teeth and the expansion device with a regular or electric toothbrush using fluoride toothpaste are essential. The wires of the device can be additionally cleaned with interdental brushes or special dental floss with a fluffy middle part to remove food particles trapped in between.


Caries and demineralization

One of the main causes of dental caries (tooth decay) is dental plaque, frequent consumption of sugary foods, and poor oral hygiene. Some bacteria found in dental plaque, such as Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli, primarily feed on carbohydrates (sugar, honey, etc.), leading to the secretion of organic acids as metabolic byproducts. These organic acids, in turn, lower the pH of the dental plaque and result in a reduction of the calcium and phosphate content of the teeth. When dental plaque is not regularly removed, there is an increased release of acid in the mouth. A high acid concentration leads to the dissolution of minerals from the teeth – our orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, refers to this as demineralization. This results in the tooth becoming porous, allowing the acids and bacteria to penetrate deeper into the tooth structure. This process is first noticeable with the appearance of individual cavities and can progress to complete tooth destruction. Demineralization often affects the tooth contact surfaces, particularly the chewing surfaces. These surfaces are more uneven compared to other areas of the teeth, making it easier for bacteria to colonize and cause damage during enamel breakdown. Additionally, areas where dental plaque is difficult to remove with a toothbrush or interdental cleaners have an increased risk of caries.

In light of this, we recommend at Dr. Krause & Colleagues, your specialized orthodontic practice in Munich, that you brush your teeth regularly and pay attention to the dental care of your child – especially if you or your child are wearing braces.

Self-ligating brackets

Self-ligating brackets are "programmed." This means that it is not the treatment archwire that determines the direction in which the teeth should move, but rather the brackets themselves contain this information. They are selected accordingly and bonded onto the tooth in the pre-calculated position. Additionally, highly elastic treatment archwires are typically used. This allows the braces to exert overall lower forces. Self-ligating bracket systems and highly elastic treatment archwires can almost always be used when a fixed orthodontic appliance is necessary from an orthodontic perspective.


Self-ligating braces - Damon System

In our specialized dental practice for orthodontics in Munich, the self-ligating braces according to the Damon System represent a gentle and fast treatment method for correcting various dental misalignments. The Damon System is one of the most modern and innovative treatment methods for dental correction in orthodontics. Self-ligating braces allow us to create your desired smile, which you have been dreaming of for a long time.


How does the Damon System work?

In our specialized dental practice for orthodontics in Munich, desired tooth movements are achieved using the Damon System, which is an advanced passive self-ligating bracket system, generating minimal friction with the smallest forces. Thin titanium wires with built-in memory are used to gently move the teeth into the desired position with biologically sensitive and comfortable forces. In the Damon System, the wires are not attached to the bracket slot with steel or rubber ligatures, as is the case with conventional brackets, but with the help of clips. These clips are not only particularly small and inconspicuous but also reduce frictional forces in the entire system. Compared to standard brackets, the forces exerted by the Damon System are only 1%.


Advantages of the self-ligating braces - Damon System:

  • Shorter treatment duration and fewer check-up appointments with your orthodontist in Munich

  • Tissue preservation and promotion of bone formation

  • Gentle force application through thin titanium wires

  • Comfortable, pain-free treatment

  • Easy maintenance and cleaning of teeth and braces

  • Higher aesthetics, as Damon brackets are 40% smaller than conventional brackets

  • No need to extract teeth during bracket attachment, as is often the case with standard brackets

  • Excellent results

Mandibular advancement during growth

In our specialized dental practice for orthodontics in Munich, functional orthodontic treatments are typically carried out during growth phases. The development of the dentition depends on the skeletal maturity of the patient, as it determines the growth of the upper and lower jaws. Accordingly, during this growth phase, significant influence can still be exerted on jaw development. One of the most common dental misalignments is the retrusion of the lower jaw. One of the main areas of focus in functional orthodontics (abbreviated as FKO) is correcting this protrusion, taking into account the expected jaw growth of the adolescent or child during the planning phase. When correcting a retrusion of the lower jaw, the initial step is to change the muscle tone through targeted repositioning of the lower jaw. This aims to initiate a bony remodeling process.


Removal of braces

The day we remove the fixed braces at our orthodontic practice in Munich with Dr. Sebastian Krause is the goal we have been working towards together, for you or your child, as well as for us. When an orthodontic treatment is successfully completed with us and your jaws and teeth are in the desired position, we schedule a separate appointment at our specialized dental practice for orthodontics in Munich to remove the fixed braces. The removal of the fixed braces takes about an hour and is significantly easier and faster than the initial placement. The entire removal of the orthodontic appliance is safe and relatively quick. Initially, we loosen the bands on the back molars. The brackets are then gently deformed with pliers, allowing them to detach from the adhesive applied to the outer surface of the tooth (or inner surface for lingual braces). The sounds that may occur during this process can be somewhat disconcerting, but rest assured, your teeth remain undamaged; only the adhesive breaks. The fixed braces for each jaw can then be removed as a whole piece (wire and brackets) from the mouth. Any remaining adhesive residue is gently and carefully removed from the teeth with a grinding attachment.



Would you like to find out more?
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have during an initial consultation at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Simply make an appointment directly with your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause.

We look forward to seeing you!