Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.


Specialist dental practice for orthodontics Munich

After getting new braces, it's completely normal to experience increased tooth sensitivity. During orthodontic treatment with a removable appliance, fixed braces, or invisible aligners (such as Invisalign® in Munich), you might encounter minor issues. Most of these issues are simply adjustment problems or difficulties in getting used to the device.

As a general rule, if you experience any issues or uncertainties, you should promptly schedule an appointment at our specialist orthodontic practice, KFO Munich, with Dr. Sebastian Krause. However, since many of these emergencies occur outside our office hours, we’ve provided some first aid tips below that you can use in case of an emergency. Our team at KFO Munich – Dr. Krause & Colleagues is always available to help with any issues related to your orthodontic appliance. If you or your child experience acute discomfort or have any questions, please call us to arrange an appointment as quickly as possible: 089 95 45 95 678.

Outside our office hours, feel free to check with the on-call dental emergency service or reach out to our colleagues at the Orthodontic Polyclinic, LMU Klinikum, located at Goethestraße 70, 80336 Munich - 089 4400 53233.

First aid


After getting removable or fixed braces, it's completely normal to experience increased tooth sensitivity. Initially, your teeth need to adjust to the pressure exerted by the braces. This is especially true with fixed braces, where biting sensitivity and discomfort while chewing are common in the first few days.

However, if the sensitivity persists for a longer period, please call us and schedule an appointment at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.

089 95 45 95 678

If a bracket on your fixed braces becomes loose, it needs to be reattached as quickly as possible. A loose bracket means that the braces can no longer exert pressure on the affected tooth, causing it to stop moving in line with the other teeth.

If you or your child notice a loose bracket, please call our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. This way, your orthodontist in Munich can reattach the bracket, and the tooth will once again be integrated into the braces system.


If the metal archwire of your fixed braces becomes loose in one or more places, it should be reattached as soon as possible. With a loose wire, the braces can no longer apply pressure to the affected tooth or teeth, causing them to stop moving in alignment with the others. If the metal archwire becomes loose outside of our office hours, you can try to carefully reinsert it into the bracket using tweezers.

In any case, you should contact our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich to schedule an appointment.


It can be very uncomfortable for the patient if the end of an archwire pokes or irritates the cheek. If this happens outside our office hours, you can try cutting the wire behind the last bracket. You can also cover the bothersome area with the protective wax provided by our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Simply apply the wax over the protruding wire end for yourself or your child. An exposed wire end can also cause irritation to the inside of your mouth, potentially leading to inflammation. Rinsing with a medicinal mouthwash or unsweetened chamomile tea can help soothe the discomfort.

Nevertheless, please schedule an appointment promptly to have the loose wire ends fixed by your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause.


It can happen that the rubber bands or wire ligatures of some bracket systems become loose or fall off completely. Naturally, this should be fixed. However, in this case, you do not need an emergency appointment. Simply inform us of this issue at your next check-up at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Your orthodontist, Dr. Sebastian Krause, will then replace the rubber or wire ligature for you.

If the wires or plastic plates of your removable braces cause pressure sores, this issue needs to be addressed. Often, patients may not wear the removable braces sufficiently due to these sores, which can affect the success of the orthodontic treatment.

Please call our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich and schedule an appointment as soon as possible so we can ensure the comfort of your removable braces is restored.


Treatment progress can be compromised if your removable braces no longer fit properly or stay in place. When the braces don't fit correctly, they can't be worn adequately, leading to significant setbacks in the treatment outcome. Typically, the issue can be resolved by reactivating the wire components of the removable braces. Please avoid attempting to bend the wires yourself, as this might make the braces difficult or impossible to readjust.

Contact our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.


A broken removable brace means it can no longer be worn by the patient, putting the progress of the treatment at risk. Therefore, the removable brace should be repaired as soon as possible. The brace can only continue to be worn if it does not cause any injuries to the mouth. To prevent future damage, you or your child should store the brace in a suitable protective case, which you can obtain from our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.

In any case, please contact us immediately to schedule a repair appointment with your orthodontist, Dr. Sebastian Krause.


If the wire of a removable brace breaks, it generally cannot be worn, which jeopardizes the maintenance and progress of the treatment. A broken or loose wire component can no longer function as intended for the treatment. Therefore, the removable brace needs to be repaired as soon as possible. To prevent future damage, you or your child should store the brace in a protective case, which you can obtain from our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.

In any case, please contact us immediately to schedule a repair appointment with your orthodontist, Dr. Sebastian Krause.


If your removable brace has been lost, you or your child need a replacement immediately, as the maintenance and progress of the treatment are at risk.

Please schedule an appointment at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich as soon as possible so that we can create a new appliance for you.


It is common for a removable brace to fall out during the night in the first few weeks of adjustment. This usually stops once the patient wears the brace consistently.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.


If your Invisalign® aligner is broken, the damaged aligner can be promptly remanufactured at our Welovesmiles lab. If there is just a crack in the Invisalign® aligner, it may still be possible to continue using it. If the aligner is broken and has only been worn for a few days, you should use your previous aligner until the replacement arrives. If the aligner has been worn for several days, you may switch to the next Invisalign® aligner in your series and continue wearing it as prescribed.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Your Invisalign® specialists in Munich.


If you or your child have lost an Invisalign® aligner, we can promptly remake the lost aligner at our Welovesmiles lab. If the lost aligner was only worn for a few days, you should use the previous aligner until the replacement arrives. If the aligner has been worn for several days, you may switch to the next Invisalign® aligner in the series and continue wearing it as prescribed.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Your Invisalign® specialists in Munich.


If the upper or lower retainer on the inside of your teeth becomes loose, it needs to be reattached as soon as possible. This is essential to maintain the retainer's function and prevent the shifting of your teeth. Until your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, can reattach the loose retainer, you should, if available, wear a removable retainer as much as possible. You can also cover any irritating areas with protective wax. Please do not attempt to remove the loose retainer wire yourself.

Please schedule an appointment with our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich as soon as possible to have the retainer reattached.


The human body needs time to adjust to the presence of fixed or removable braces in the mouth. As a result, you may experience increased saliva production during the first few days of wearing the braces. Simply continue wearing your braces as prescribed by your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, and swallow the saliva. This situation will normalize after a few days of wearing the braces.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.


At the beginning of orthodontic treatment, you may experience a slight impairment in your speech. This is partly due to the initial increase in saliva production and partly because of the new foreign object in your mouth. Your tongue also needs time to adjust to the reduced space. Our tip: Practicing speaking regularly can help. Additionally, consistently wearing a removable retainer can be beneficial.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.


Typically, gum inflammation is caused by inadequate oral hygiene. In such cases, brushing for a longer period or massaging the gums with a soft toothbrush and interdental brushes can help.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email during office hours at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich.


We hope we have been able to help you with our first aid tips. Nevertheless, please make an appointment immediately with your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, by calling 089 95 45 95 678.


We look forward to hearing from you!
Your specialist dental practice for orthodontics Munich


Dr. Krause & Colleagues

First aid videos

Below you will find helpful videos on the subject of first aid in the specialist field of orthodontics in Munich. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact our trustworthy practice team or book an appointment for an initial consultation - we are here for you!

Your specialist dentist for orthodontics Munich Dr. Sebastian Krause

Dr. Krause & Colleagues

Disconnected brackets

If a bracket on your fixed braces becomes loose, it needs to be reattached as soon as possible. A loose bracket means that the braces can no longer exert pressure on the affected tooth, causing it to stop moving along with the other teeth. If you or your child notice a loose bracket, please call our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich to schedule an appointment promptly. This will allow your orthodontist to reattach the bracket and reintegrate the tooth into the braces system.


Loose straps

If the metal band of your fixed braces becomes loose at one or more points, it should be reattached as soon as possible. A loose metal band means that the braces can no longer apply pressure to the affected tooth or teeth, causing them to stop moving along with the others. Please contact us immediately at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist, Dr. Sebastian Krause.


Pricking bow

It can be very uncomfortable for a patient if the end of an archwire is poking or irritating. If this happens outside of our office hours, you can try to reinsert the wire or trim it behind the last bracket. Additionally, you can cover the irritating area with the protective wax provided by our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Apply the wax over the protruding end of the wire for yourself or your child. An exposed wire end can also lead to irritation of the oral mucosa; rinsing with a medicinal mouthwash or unsweetened chamomile tea can help soothe the discomfort.

However, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible to address the loose wire ends with your orthodontist, Dr. Sebastian Krause.


Avoid the following foods

Certain foods should be avoided with fixed braces, as they can damage the braces and increase the risk of cavities. At Dr. Krause & Kollegen, your specialist orthodontic practice in Munich, we recommend cutting healthy, hard foods like carrots and apples into smaller pieces.

Avoid the following:

- Caramel candies and sticky chocolate bars
- Sticky peanut butter or whole chunks
- Hard candies
- Nuts
- Chewy candies, toffees, and gummy bears
- Popcorn
- Chewing gum

Be cautious with these foods:

- Soft breads like bagels—cut them into small pieces
- Chips—eat them slowly and one at a time
- Corn on the cob—cut the corn off the cob
- Apples and carrots—cut them into small pieces
- Sugary and carbonated drinks—excessive consumption can lead to cavities

Following these recommendations will help prevent discomfort and avoid extending your treatment time.