Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.


What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and jaw irregularities. The goals of orthodontics include improving aesthetics by aligning teeth as well as maintaining and restoring important health factors. At the orthodontic practice in Munich, Dr. Krause prioritizes not only achieving optimal aesthetics but also ensuring the proper function of the bite, aiming for long-term dental health with appropriate care.


What is an Orthodontic Specialist?

The terms orthodontist and specialist in orthodontics describe the same profession. An orthodontist is a dentist who, after successfully completing dental school, has undergone at least three years of full-time, specialized training in orthodontics. This advanced training must be completed at a certified orthodontic practice or in the orthodontic departments of university hospitals. During this intensive training, the focus is exclusively on orthodontics, culminating in a specialist examination. Therefore, only those who have completed this extensive training and obtained this qualification can call themselves orthodontists or specialists in orthodontics. An orthodontist is thus an expert in addressing orthodontic issues.


Why Should You Visit an Orthodontist in Munich?

Both the alignment of teeth in the jaw and the positioning of the upper and lower jaws are crucial for the healthy and proper function of the chewing apparatus. Only a specialist in orthodontics (orthodontist in Munich) has completed years of full-time specialized training. An orthodontist can influence both the alignment of teeth and the position of the jaws and jaw joints, thus impacting:

  • Aesthetics: Attractive, well-aligned teeth and jaws convey health and vitality, contributing to a harmonious facial appearance. They reflect your personality and enhance your quality of life.
  • Function: The process of chewing, digestion, breathing, posture, and speech are significantly affected by the jaw joints, jaws, and teeth. Treatment by an orthodontist in Munich can positively influence these functions.
  • Prevention: Correct positioning of the jaws and teeth can significantly reduce the risk of cavities, periodontal diseases, and dental injuries.


Is a Braces Treatment Really Necessary?

An improper bite not only looks unappealing but can also lead to serious consequences. Crowding and misalignment of teeth can greatly increase the risk of cavities and periodontal disease. Impaired chewing or biting function can lead to stomach and intestinal issues due to reduced chewing efficiency. Misalignment can also strain the neck and jaw muscles, often resulting in headaches. If the mouth remains open while sleeping, it can lead to respiratory infections and throat problems. Children who cannot close their lips due to large gaps often need their tonsils removed. Speech issues, such as lisping, can also arise from jaw misalignment or crooked teeth. Additionally, protruding or tipped teeth have a statistically higher risk of damage than straight teeth, often making early treatment advisable to prevent such issues. Today, there are nearly invisible and comfortable alternatives like Invisalign® aligners or our in-house aligners.


When Should I Take My Child to the Orthodontist in Munich?

A visit to a specialist in orthodontics is recommended by the age of 9 if not already advised by a pediatrician, school dentist, or family dentist. At this age, most dental and jaw irregularities can still be effectively treated. Most treatments begin between the ages of 10 and 12. The age between 4 and 6 years is considered ideal for an initial visit to the orthodontist in Munich, as this is when early anomalies and dysfunctions can be detected. For example, crossbites can be diagnosed and treated in time. Treatments often require sufficient growth, so early intervention is beneficial. However, a visit to the orthodontist is always possible. For adult patients, addressing dental misalignments and jaw anomalies is also part of our regular services.


Why Should Misaligned Teeth Be Corrected?

Both the function and health of the entire dentition, as well as aesthetics, can be significantly impaired by gaps, crooked teeth, and incorrect jaw positioning. Unaddressed dental misalignments can lead to excessive wear on the teeth and often cause nocturnal teeth grinding. This can further damage the dentition and strain the chewing muscles and jaw joints. Crowded teeth are also harder to clean, potentially leading to cavities and periodontal disease. Dental and orthodontic considerations are primary factors when deciding on treatment, with aesthetic improvement also being a key focus.


What Should I Bring to My First Orthodontic Consultation at Orthodontics Munich Dr. Krause & Colleagues?

To avoid potential waiting times, you can fill out a medical history form online and bring it with you to your first appointment. If you have X-rays, models, or similar documents, please let us know when scheduling your appointment and bring these to your initial consultation with orthodontist Dr. Sebastian Krause.


Why Are Initial Orthodontic Records Needed?

Initial records are essential for diagnostic purposes and for creating a personalized treatment plan to address your bite issues. Digital and 3D-printed models allow precise treatment planning and monitoring of progress. Photographs of the face, profile, and teeth aid in aesthetic analysis and tracking treatment progress. X-rays show missing teeth, cavities, and the position of tooth roots in the jawbone, and help diagnose jaw growth.


When Can Treatment Begin, and How Long Will I Have to Wait for an Appointment?

We can usually schedule an initial appointment relatively quickly. Follow-up treatment appointments are then arranged based on your availability and confirmed. You can also book appointments online at Orthodontics Munich Dr. Krause & Colleagues.


Do All Permanent Teeth Need to Be Present?

No. Orthodontic treatments can be necessary at any age, and the presence of milk teeth is not typically a factor. Sometimes it makes sense to wait until all permanent teeth have emerged, but many treatments should begin earlier. Trust in the experience and expertise of orthodontist Dr. Sebastian Krause.


Why Are Milk Teeth Important?

Milk teeth serve several critical functions in childhood development. They help children learn to speak and are necessary for chewing and eating. They also act as placeholders for the permanent teeth, preventing later misalignments and supporting the development of the jaws and oral muscles. If a milk tooth falls out too early due to an accident or disease, the remaining milk teeth can shift, leaving insufficient space for the permanent tooth and potentially leading to misalignments.


How Do Misalignments Occur?

Early loss of milk teeth due to cavities, thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, or nail-biting often causes misalignments as pressure gradually shifts teeth and jawbones from their correct positions. While genetic factors can sometimes play a role, they are less common. If a parent has large teeth and the other has a narrow jaw, their child might inherit a jaw that is too small for the larger teeth.


Will I Need to Have Teeth Extracted?

Typically, extractions are not necessary if treatment begins early enough. With early intervention, even significant space issues usually do not require extracting permanent teeth. This assumes that special appliances are used early to stimulate jaw growth, creating additional space.


What is Early Treatment?

In some cases, children between 6 and 9 years old may need short-term orthodontic treatment, especially for severe anomalies such as crossbites or large discrepancies between the upper and lower jaws. These issues are often detected by the general dentist, who will then refer the child to an orthodontist in Munich.


Can Orthodontic Space Closure Replace an Implant?

An orthodontic space closure can be a good alternative to dental implants for both children and adults. By using a fixed orthodontic appliance, neighboring teeth can be moved to naturally close the gap left by a missing tooth. This eliminates the need for implants or bridges. Options like lingual braces or Invisalign® treatments are aesthetically discreet.


Are Dental Check-Ups Necessary During Orthodontic Treatment?

Yes, because orthodontic treatment is independent of regular dental check-ups. Your general dentist is responsible for general dental issues, while the orthodontist in Munich specializes in treating dental and jaw irregularities.


Can Dental and Jaw Misalignments Cause Back Pain or Similar Issues?

Many patients, including young ones, suffer from headaches, neck pain, muscle tension, dizziness, or tinnitus. Issues such as restricted mouth opening or grinding noises can occur, and nocturnal bruxism can affect sleep. These problems are referred to as functional disorders or cranio-mandibular dysfunction (CMD). Our orthodontic practice in Munich is specifically trained to identify and offer treatment for jaw joint misalignments and work interdisciplinary with physiotherapy and related fields for comprehensive care. Dental alignment issues can be effectively treated with braces or Invisalign®.


What Type of Braces Do I Need?

Orthodontic devices can be removable or fixed, such as multi-bracket systems. Removable devices consist of a plastic base with metal clasps and retention elements, allowing for easy cleaning. The type of braces used depends on whether only the teeth or also the jaws need correction.


Do I Have to Wear Fixed Braces, or Can I Use Removable Braces?

Fixed and removable braces serve different purposes. Removable braces typically correct jaw misalignments during growth, while fixed braces are used for aligning rotated teeth. Clear removable aligners like Invisalign® are also available.


Why Do I Need a Retainer After Braces?

After removing fixed braces, teeth may move back to their original positions due to the fibers connecting them to the bone. A retainer is necessary to prevent this relapse and maintain the treatment results. Retainers are usually worn for at least a year and may involve a permanent wire bonded to the back of the front teeth to ensure long-term stability.


Can I Switch to Your Practice During Ongoing Orthodontic Treatment?

You are welcome to seek a second opinion at our orthodontic practice in Munich. Depending on the treatment stage and insurance, switching is generally possible. We can request necessary documents for you. You can book a consultation appointment online.


What Happens If My Braces Are Lost? What Costs Are Involved?

If you lose or damage your braces, you must inform our practice immediately. We will provide a replacement. Costs for replacing lost or damaged braces may vary, so it’s best to discuss them with our team.


How Much Does Orthodontic Treatment Cost? Are There Payment Options?

Orthodontic treatment costs vary based on the complexity and duration of treatment, ranging from about €3,500 to €6,500 for a comprehensive treatment. Detailed costs are provided after a thorough examination and consultation. You can choose from various payment options, including installment plans.


Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of Braces?

Coverage depends on the health insurance provider and your specific plan. Some plans cover a significant portion of the costs. It’s best to clarify this with your insurance company or inquire with our team.


Does the Orthodontic Practice Work with Health Insurance Companies?

Yes, our practice can assist with insurance-related questions and provide necessary documentation. We work with both public and private health insurance companies.


How Do I Know if My Insurance Covers Orthodontic Treatment?

Check with your health insurance provider to understand what is covered. Some plans cover a portion of the treatment costs, while others may require supplementary coverage. We can help with the necessary paperwork and explanations.


Can I Schedule an Appointment Online?

Yes, you can conveniently book an appointment online through our website. This allows you to select a suitable time and date that fits your schedule, avoiding the need for phone calls and ensuring a smooth process. If you have any specific questions or need to discuss your treatment plan, you can also contact our office directly.


What Happens During My First Appointment?

During your initial appointment at Orthodontics Munich with Dr. Krause & Colleagues, we will:

  1. Conduct a Detailed Examination: Dr. Krause will examine your teeth, bite, and jaw alignment to understand the issues you’re facing.
  2. Review Medical History: We’ll discuss your medical and dental history to identify any underlying conditions that may impact treatment.
  3. Take Diagnostic Records: This includes photographs, digital models, and X-rays to create a comprehensive view of your dental structure and plan your treatment.
  4. Discuss Treatment Options: We will explain the possible treatment options, including their benefits and limitations, and tailor a plan to suit your needs.
  5. Address Your Questions: You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss your concerns about the treatment.


How Often Will I Need to Visit the Orthodontist?

The frequency of your visits will depend on your treatment plan. Typically, patients visit the orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the braces or aligners. During these visits, we will ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned and make modifications as needed to achieve the best results.


How Do I Care for My Braces?

Proper care of your braces is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some general tips:

  • Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to prevent plaque buildup around the braces.
  • Diet: Avoid sticky, hard, or chewy foods that can damage the braces or get stuck in them. This includes candy, gum, and popcorn.
  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your braces with a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid using abrasive or whitening toothpastes.
  • Emergency Care: If you experience any issues with your braces, such as a broken bracket or wire, contact our office promptly for repair.


What Should I Do If I Experience Pain or Discomfort?

It’s common to experience some discomfort, especially after initial placement of braces or adjustments. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. If you experience severe pain, persistent discomfort, or issues such as broken braces or wires, contact our office as soon as possible for guidance and repairs.


What Are the Alternatives to Traditional Braces?

In addition to traditional metal braces, we offer several alternative orthodontic treatments:

  • Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign®): These are removable, nearly invisible trays that gradually shift teeth into the desired position. They are a popular choice for adults and teens who prefer a less noticeable option.
  • Lingual Braces: These are similar to traditional braces but are placed on the back of the teeth, making them invisible from the front.
  • Ceramic Braces: These are similar to metal braces but use clear or tooth-colored brackets to blend in with the natural color of your teeth.


How Can I Prevent Orthodontic Issues from Reoccurring?

After completing orthodontic treatment, it’s important to:

  • Wear Retainers: Follow the orthodontist’s instructions regarding retainer use to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Continue to brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Attend follow-up appointments with your orthodontist to ensure that your teeth remain properly aligned.


What Should I Do If I Miss an Appointment?

If you miss an appointment, contact our office as soon as possible to reschedule. Consistent visits are important for keeping your treatment on track and achieving the best results. If you have missed an appointment, we will work with you to find a new time that fits your schedule.


How Do I Know If I Am a Good Candidate for Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is suitable for most individuals, regardless of age. Factors considered include:

  • Current Dental Health: Healthy gums and teeth are essential for successful orthodontic treatment.
  • Specific Issues: The type and severity of your orthodontic problems will determine the best course of action.
  • Personal Goals: Your treatment plan will be tailored to your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Dr. Krause will provide a thorough evaluation during your consultation to determine the best treatment plan for you.


What Are the Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment can:

  • Guide Jaw Growth: Correct issues related to jaw development and align the dental arches properly.
  • Prevent More Severe Problems: Address issues before they become more complex and require more extensive treatment.
  • Improve Aesthetics: Enhance the appearance of your smile early on, boosting self-confidence and improving oral health.


What Are the Risks Associated with Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is generally safe, but there are some potential risks:

  • Discomfort: Some discomfort is common, especially after adjustments or new appliance placement.
  • Oral Hygiene Challenges: Braces can make brushing and flossing more challenging, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease if not properly managed.
  • Temporary Relapse: Teeth may shift slightly after treatment if retainers are not worn as instructed.

Discuss any concerns with Dr. Krause during your consultation to ensure you understand the potential risks and benefits of treatment.


How Can I Get Started with My Orthodontic Treatment?

Getting started with orthodontic treatment at our Munich practice involves:

  1. Scheduling a Consultation: Book an initial appointment online or by contacting our office.
  2. Undergoing a Comprehensive Evaluation: Dr. Krause will assess your dental health and discuss treatment options.
  3. Creating a Treatment Plan: We will design a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and goals.
  4. Beginning Treatment: Once the plan is finalized, we will schedule your first appointment to begin treatment.


We look forward to helping you achieve a healthier and more confident smile!

Dr. Krause & Colleagues