Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.

Loose, removable braces

Info Videos

For us at Dr. Krause & Kollegen - the specialized dental practice for orthodontics in Munich - the trust of our patients comes first. In this context, it is of great importance to us to provide our patients with comprehensive information and excellent service so that no questions remain unanswered.


Below, you will find interesting informational videos in the field of orthodontics in Munich focusing on removable and fixed braces. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to contact our trustworthy team or schedule an appointment for an initial consultation - we are here for you!


Your specialist dentist for orthodontics in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause


Dr. Krause & Kollegen

Fränkel II for lower jaw development

A functional regulator (Fränkel) is a removable functional orthodontic appliance. It is used to treat growth and positional anomalies in the upper and lower jaw. Extensive plastic surfaces in the cheek and lip area put the muscles under targeted tension, especially during activity. The tension of the soft tissue exerts traction on the mucous membrane and the underlying periosteum. This can stimulate bone growth in a targeted manner.
Various devices have been developed to treat the different malpositions. The Functional Regulator II is primarily used to solve problems in the area of lower jaw development.
The functional regulators achieve a physiological effect. The duration of treatment with functional regulators is usually longer than with purely mechanical appliances, as it is based on natural growth. However, the effect on the cranial bone creates far less tension in the bony structures, which ensures the stability of the results in the long term. If started early in the 6th to 7th year of life, speech is only slightly affected.


Fränkel III for upper jaw development

A functional regulator (Fränkel) is a removable functional orthodontic appliance. It is used to treat growth and positional anomalies in the upper and lower jaw. Extensive plastic surfaces in the cheek and lip area put the muscles under targeted tension, especially during activity. The tension of the soft tissue exerts traction on the mucous membrane and the underlying periosteum. This can stimulate bone growth in a targeted manner.
Different devices have been developed to treat the various misalignments. The functional regulator III is primarily used to solve problems in the area of bone growth in the upper jaw and midface.
The functional regulators achieve a physiological effect. The duration of treatment with functional regulators is usually longer than with purely mechanical appliances, as it is based on natural growth. However, the effect on the cranial bone creates far less tension in the bony structures, which ensures the stability of the results in the long term. If started early in the 6th to 7th year of life, speech is only slightly affected.

Functional orthodontic removable braces

Functional orthodontic, removable braces do not exert any direct force on the teeth and consist of a single piece. The appliance lies loosely in the mouth and is shaped in such a way that the jaw movements are influenced when the mouth is closed. The braces train or activate the facial, chewing and tongue muscles. The activated muscles and the altered influence of the soft tissue on the teeth are intended to correct the malocclusion. Functional orthodontic, removable braces are used, for


Removable active braces

Removable braces ("Active Plates") are used in orthodontic therapy for children and adolescents who have undergone tooth eruption but still have some primary teeth present (mixed dentition). During this phase, the jaw is also not yet fully developed. Removable braces can promote or inhibit jaw growth, and they allow for minor corrections of tooth alignment.

Active removable braces ("Active Plates") apply mechanical pressure to the teeth. These braces contain active elements that generate this pressure. Another component of active removable braces is a screw that is turned at regular intervals. This allows the brace to be widened, applying continuous pressure to the teeth and jaw to achieve the desired correction.



The positioner is an elastic treatment device consisting of clear plastic trays that are combined to form a large apparatus for both the upper and lower jaws. It is typically used in the final phase of treatment to make last-minute minor adjustments to tooth positions. During the fabrication of the positioner, the corresponding teeth are modified in the plaster model, and then the apparatus is made. Therefore, there may be discrepancies between the apparatus and the actual tooth situation of the patient upon insertion. By biting firmly into the positioner, the teeth gradually assume their desired positions.


Would you like to find out more?

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have during an initial consultation at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Simply make an appointment directly with your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause.

We look forward to seeing you!